Friday, January 25, 2013

Defining Culture

            For me culture defines the customs, ideas, and collective knowledge of a group of people.  A group of people can refer to a large town, a small family, or even a few close friends.   As Clifford Geertz says in Interpretation of Culture, culture is the web that binds people within a group.   It also defines the way people will interact within that group.
            Take for example a school such as Texas A&M University.  The academic culture draws some fifty thousand students together in the pursuit of knowledge.  This culture defines how exactly that pursuit is carried out.  The knowledge is learned in a classroom environment where one teacher lectures to a group of students.  Custom dictates that each student must prove the mastering of that knowledge through papers, exams, or projects.  The customs of this culture are strictly defined.
            When I hear the word “cultured,” I first think of classical music, literature, and Frasier Crane.  But after giving it some more thought, I realized that a cultured person is more than someone who is well versed in the masterpieces of his own culture.  To be cultured is to be willing to understand or experience different cultures.  This requires stepping out of the protective web that is formed by your own background and beliefs.


  1. I really like the way to defined being cultured at the end of your post. It runs hand and hand with my view on it and I believe you said it incredibly well, better than I believe I stated it. I do agree though, that being cultured is more about knowledge of your own surroundings but as well the other cultures that you don't live in.

  2. I enjoyed the way that you defined culture in a collective sense as opposed to individually. I think that culture is something that people share and being "cultured" is where the individual comes in.

  3. I agree with your definition of culture and like most people I also think of classical literature and history when the word culture comes up. We don't realize it but we are being cultured everyday of our lives, and like you said we have to step out of our protective web too realize that we are indeed being cultured.
